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About Tammy


Christian Southern Gospel Recording Artist & Speaker

(Vocals, Piano, Bass Guitar, Cabasa, Tambourine)

Tammy was raised in Waco, Texas where she had given her life to Christ at the early age of six in a little Pentecostal church called Oaklawn Assembly of God, and she made a vow right then to follow him wherever He would lead. She played a plastic toy tambourine and it was there where her love of music began.  When she was thirteen she taught herself to play piano while listening to Floyd Cramer, Charlie Rich, and Elvis Presley records. It was at that age Tammy was asked to play the piano for the church. Her heart was truly in singing and she learned to harmonize with her sister's and momma, whose voice is like an angel. A few years later she followed in her daddy's footsteps and picked up on the bass guitar. While down at the altar one Sunday night, God spoke to her at the age of fifteen and called her into the ministry. He honored her earlier vow and step of obedience, using her to lead people in accepting Christ as their Savior and has experienced seeing the power of God heal the broken hearted and set the captive free. As she grew up and graduated, God has used Tammy’s gift of music & speaking at Women’s functions, Youth services, and a diverse spread of churches all around Texas. She has had the privilege of singing with several gospel groups which include The Love Family, Branded By Faith, The Latimer's, and Branded Cross. Tammy pours herself into her music and has written inspirational songs such as "The Potter", "Home Is Where the Heart Is", "Wash Me Clean", "Somewhere In Time", and many others.

She has a beautiful daughter named Tatiana, who definitely keeps her on her toes. Without any question, Tatiana will admit that she has been "bombarded" with a daily dose of gospel music from the very beginning of her life! In God’s word, He says in (Psalms 37:4) "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”  Tatiana is most definitely an answered prayer!

Tammy has a passion for winning lost souls to Jesus Christ, exhorting & encouraging the Body of Christ & to bring healing to hurting families. Her music is uplifting and heartfelt. I would dare to say that her "unmistakable" voice, along with her unique musical style, humor and conviction, will catch your attention. She's been told, she's so country you can smell the cornbread a cookin! The sound is country, but the message is Christ! She is currently recording her third CD project and it is her prayer that her music would somehow provoke a yearning to seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord, and thus experience much more of His mighty power in your life!


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